Adhyyan Narang


I am a PhD Student in the ECE Department of University of Washington, advised by Prof. Maryam Fazel and Prof. Lillian Ratliff. I am fortunate to collaborate on projects with Prof. Dmitriy Drusvyatskiy, Prof. Jeff Bilmes and Prof. Samet Oymak.

I completed my Masters in 2020 in the BLISS Lab in the EECS department at UC Berkeley, where I was advised by Prof. Anant Sahai. My master’s thesis explored the role of margins for overparameterized classification problems and can be found here. During this period, I had the good fortune of collaborating with Prof. Vidya Muthukumar (Georgia Tech), Prof.Daniel Hsu (Columbia) and Prof. Misha Belkin (UCSD).

I completed my undergraduate studies at UC Berkeley with a major in EECS and minor in Theater and Performance Studies.

Research Interests

I am working towards developing theory that guides the principled engineering of ML systems, that work in modern settings with incomplete information, many agents and many more parameters than data points. I primarily use tools from optimization, game theory, and statistical learning theory. Details on my research can be found on the ‘Publications’ tab.